Looking for the right question then listen to answers to previous questions

by The Steward

Every once in a while a great ques­tion is asked, and the imme­di­ate reac­tion of people listen­ing to the con­ver­sa­tion will say:“That’s it! You have hit the nail on the head!”

Strange thing is that the answer to the ques­tion is not forth­com­ing, it only opens the door to a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the prob­lem. It steers the con­ver­sa­tion towards uncharted ter­rit­ory, with excit­ing and unex­pec­ted end results.

In a great book by Peter F. Hamilton, the Silfen, an elf-​like race, choose to wander across uncharted alien worlds on Paths. New paths open upon reach­ing a des­tin­a­tion, trans­form­ing their jour­ney into a never end­ing quest, with dis­cov­ery around every corner.

Open paths by listen­ing to answers, these will inspire the ques­tions you will put down the line, with unex­pec­ted remark­able outcomes!

The StewardLooking for the right question then listen to answers to previous questions