Starting a “Computer” Business

by The Steward

I woke up this morn­ing while in the middle of a dream. It hap­pens rarely. The good thing about wak­ing up this way is that you remem­ber the last part of the dream.

Dreams, they say, reflect the sub­con­scious thoughts of the pre­vi­ous day(s).

I tend to dis­agree. Who would know what are your sub­con­scious thoughts? They are “sub” and “con­scious”. What is under­neath “con­scious”? Are we dig­ging here?

Anyway, as I was say­ing, I was dream­ing about driv­ing an old red Volvo, and I could not change gears. It was frus­trat­ing. I could feel the frus­tra­tion and could do noth­ing about it. The funny thing is that the car was going quite well, and I did not need to change gears. Why a red Volvo? I have no clue. Changing gears? It hasn’t happened in a very long time!

I decided to write about this hop­ing that it will lead to a new string of posts on the blog. It worked!

I have “decided”, with a nudge from a good friend, to write about how I “decided” to make com­puters a major part of my life.

I am now bound to pro­duce more posts on “How it star­ted”.

Dreams lead to actions, funny busi­ness, dream­ing…

The StewardStarting a “Computer” Business